In Chattahoochee Hills, Georgia, it is another in a string of gray days of intermittent rain, drizzle, and fog. My sunroom (not quite an apt name) is flooded again; it was built on the original concrete slab patio of the house, and has considerable issues with drainage. I find solace in knowing that our drought of many months may indeed be at an end.
Meanwhile, on screen, I find a delight in returning to this blog, like meeting up with a long-lost friend and picking up where I had left off. I have photos a-plenty to bide my time these next couple of months, until I leave for Australia. On less foreboding days, I hope to make a few ventures into the woods. I still walk Piney Woods Church Road, though now once again it is nearly always with dogs in tow. Since two years ago, my days have been eroded, my precious moments lost to additional teaching responsibilities (not necessarily unpleasant, but frequent and insistent). This year, I will strive to reclaim them; I have embarked on an eight-week course of mindfulness meditation, I have two daily readers for pondering (more about them in a future post), and of course there is the time I will devote (apt word, that) to daily entries here.
Meanwhile, I share with you this photograph from along the Santa Fe River, near Fort White, Florida, from early December, 2016. A side-channel of the river led to this spring-fed pool, where aquatic plants flourished. The blend of blues and greens brought longed-for color to the grays and browns of the winter woods.