Jul 112014

Last night’s sunset was spectacular, a pyrotechnic display of vivid colors and dramatic clouds.  Dogs in tow and camera at home, I missed the opportunity to photograph it.  So I am gratified that I actually got up this morning to the alarm (at an hour I won’t confess, since many are already en route to work by then) and decided to set out for Piney Woods Church Road despite overcast skies.  The reward was a dense fog that offered marvelous photographic opportunities.  The spider webs were festooned with misty droplets; looking through them to the trees beyond, they cast a diaphanous veil upon the scene.


Diaphanous Veil

  2 Responses to “Day 192: A Diaphanous Veil Upon the Scene”

  1. Okay. This one wins. I HAVE to get out early and find some of these works. Cheers!

    • Awesome, Robin! I am glad you enjoyed this photo, but even more delighted that you plan to find some misty webs of your own. Fog offers fabulous photographic opportunities, I have discovered. Thank you.

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