May 012014

Here is a series of rather experimental images from this evening, a few minutes before sunset.  I am fascinated by meadow silhouettes; they remind me of my childhood experiments with Solargraphics paper.  I recall placing flowers and leaves onto the paper, leaving it out in the sunlight, and creating a silhouette image as a result.





  2 Responses to “View from the Field’s Edge”

  1. I am impressed that you got that cow to lie still on the paper long enough to get the exposure.
    That was looow humor, and I meant no disrespect! These photographs are beautiful and calming in the way of a pastoral pastel.

    • Jane, I love the image of getting the cow to lie down on an immense sheet of Solargraphics paper! As you note, the cow would insist upon moooving too much. 🙂 Thank you for the kind words; I love the phrase, “pastoral pastel”. I may have to slip that into a post sometime soon.

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