Jul 122014

At the end of my evening walk, the sun was low in the sky, perhaps a half hour before sunset.  Walking back toward Rico Rd., my attention was caught by a shriveled brown leaf lying on the grass.  I got down onto the ground with my camera at ground level, and started to explore its possibilities as a screen for Balinese shadow play.  (For those unfamiliar with Balinese shadow puppet theater, here is a great website on the topic.)  The result is a tiny landscape of shadow, color and texture, created by the various shadows on the leaf, a grass blade standing just in front of it, and the textures and colors of the leaf itself.  How many such miniature worlds of the imagination do we pass by every day?



Feb 102014

A few abstract images gleaned from today’s Piney Woods Church walk.  I am enjoying the possibilities of the blur.  I have opted for spare titles to accompany them.  From top to bottom: Winter Shrub; Robin in the Lawn; Distant Leaf; Budding Tree; and Loblolly Pine.

Winter Shrub

Robin in the Lawn

Distant Leaf

Tree in Bud

Loblolly Pine