Sep 222014

Today, for the first time this year, I nearly missed the Sun.  An early morning requirement of jury duty in downtown Atlanta necessitated leaving well before sunrise, and returning within a few scant minutes of sunset.  I hurried off to Piney Woods Church Road in my car — my only option for catching the remaining sunlight — only to discover that I had left my memory card at home, and had to go back once again.

I took this photograph within perhaps five minutes of sunset. I love how this dried roadside weed takes on a golden hue in the last rays of sunlight.



Sep 212014

One hundred and one days to go on my Piney Woods Church Road journey, and how far I have come!  Today I dashed off for a quick morning photo op before driving to Zebulon for the second day of a two-weekend PopUp photography exhibit, “Dirt Road Pilgrimage”.   II will discuss that exhibit more in a later post.  For now, here is an image of a fork in the road.



Sep 192014

Along Piney Woods Church Road, the American Burnweed (Erechtites hieraciifolius) is coming into seed.  The flower heads, which stay almost entirely closed while the flower blooms are bursting open to reveal a globe of feathery parachutes with seeds attached.  The weed itself is a nondescript native annual with a penchant for cropping up in unmown lawns.  And certainly the flower is not spectacular, and does not seem to attract many intriguing pollinators.  But even though the wind will carry these seeds far and wide to many a lawn and pasture, still I find seed time among the burnweed to be a time of wonders.



Sep 182014

On my morning Piney Woods Church walk today, I wandered to the edge of a patch of weeds in search of a flower, and ended up discovering a roadside zoo.  I walked from one end of the road to the other, the intersection with Hutcheson Ferry Road.  Looking down the road, I saw a brilliant red trumpet-shaped flower vining up a sweetgum sampling in the road bank.  I waked down the road to examine it; then, turning to look back, I noticed the same flower scattered throughout the patch of weeds.  I strolled into the grass-lined gully beside Piney Woods Church Road, to get a couple of close-ups of the lovely blooms.  They turned out to belong to the Small Red Morning Glory (Ipomoea coccinea), a native of tropical America that has become naturalized to moist soil and waste places throughout the Southeast.




I had just finished a series of photographs when I felt something on my leg.  I glanced down, and saw a black beetle, about an inch in length.  I am proud to say that I did not react right away to flick it away, but instead started taking pictures.  It seemed quite inquisitive and almost “cute”, in a beetle-ish sort of way.  After half a dozen pictures, I gently flicked the top of my sock to send him (or her) onto the grass.  There, I took another few photographs.  This quite charming beetle turned out to be none other than the Margined Blister Beetle (Epicauta funebris).  Evidently I was wise not to perturb it; as Bill Bixby used to remark on the 1980s TV show, “The Incredible Hulk”, “Don’t make me angry.  You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”  In this case, the blister beetle evidently secretes a caustic chemical that, not surprisingly, can cause skin irritation and blisters. The substance is even more toxic to horses.  A handful of crushed beetles, mixed in with a meal of alfalfa hay, can be fatal.  Still, I find this beetle quite endearing.






Glancing through the weeds along the roadbank, I noticed a thin katydid perched on a stem.  It was most likely the Slender Meadow Katydid (Conocephalus fasciatus).  




A nearby stem held an even more impressive specimen — a large Differential Grasshopper (Melanoplus differentialis).  How stunning!




Nearby was yet another singing insect of late summer:  a Fork-Tailed Bush Katydid (Scudderia furcata).




As I left this site of so many new discoveries, I glanced back and took a photograph.  This roadside zoo might not have a neon sign, gift shop, or parking lot, but it is well worth the visit!






Sep 172014

This post is from my second visit to Piney Woods Church Road today.  My first was hurried, squeezed in between rising and an errand in Atlanta.  On my second outing, with dogs in tow, I photographed a neighbor’s horse pasture illuminated by an orange glow a few minutes before sunset.



Sep 152014

It as a gray and somber evening after a long day,  much of it involving a home water leak and its aftermath.  The sky was dark but somehow could not manage more than a few anemic drops of water falling onto the powdery sand and gravel of Piney Woods Church Road.  I found a cute little jumping spider, but all my efforts at photographs yielded nothing in sharp focus.  An afterthought photo of some yellow-brown leaves lying on the road bed will have to do.