Oct 142014

I set out this afternoon for Piney Woods Church Road, cool breeze blowing and air drying out ofter a long rain that lasted overnight and through much of the morning.   Leaves and pine needles blanketed the road bed and verges.  I paused at a sapling tulip poplar, admiring a new bud at the tip of a leaf.  Not now.  I suspect the bud is ready for next spring, after the year’s turning.  Seeing a new bud, I begin to think back on my own beginning, along this same stretch of road, watching leaves unfurling into spring so many months ago.



Oct 132014

I found this Arrowhead Spider (Verrucosa arenata) almost immediately upon arriving at Piney Woods Church Road this morning, resting head-up (the only local orb-weaving spider that does so) in the midst of her large web, whose center was at the height of the top of my head.  The Arrowhead is fast becoming one of my favorite of Georgia’s many colorful spiders.  Like all other orb weavers, the Arrowhead Spider is harmless to humans.



Oct 132014

On a warm and humid morning, with the fog lifting and sun just starting to peek out, I paused to photograph an autumnal violet aster blooming along the roadside.  There is scarcely a month in the year that something is not blossoming here in Georgia….



Oct 122014

On my journey back toward home down Piney Woods Church Road, an unexpected brown and white horse trotted over to the barbed wire fence in a pasture that had previously been empty.  The horse seemed enthused about receiving attention, perhaps because he or she (I did not bother to investigate which) was all alone in the field.  I suspect I will visit with him to provide head and neck scritchings on many future walks.